for stress-reduction & wellbeing
6 weeks - Thursday Evenings 7-8.30pm
29 Feb - 4 Apr
Are you stressed or wanting improve your wellbeing?
This 6 week MINDFULNESS Course will​:
reduce your stress
help you manage difficult situations and relationships better
help you sleep better
help you enjoy your life more
build focus over the course
give you the tools to continue to practice mindfulness on your own
The Course:
Is based on the reputable clinical MBCT and MBSR courses and follow a similar programme and yet offer greater flexibility for personal reflection and homework. The content will explore: 'waking up', awareness of the body, focus on the body through movement, choosing how you react, being with what is difficult, meaning making, accepting silence and the power of compassion.
The sessions will use guided meditations, inspirational readings, movement, times of reflection and group sharing to help with learning. Over the 8 week period you'll learn how to become more mindful in a safe and friendly learning environment.
Where? Online via zoom
When? 29 Feb, 7, 14, 21, 28 Mar, 4 Apr.
Price: £150
Register your interest: help@meaningfulwellbeing.com
Minimum 6 persons. Sign up by Sunday 25th February.
Some Recent Comments:
"This is a great course particularly as an introduction to the practice of mindfulness. The principles of non-judgemental, non-striving, a beginner’s mind make it a simple straightforward practice to undertake. As each week progressed I found it easier to get into the zone despite background noises which would have interfered and been distracting in the past. Now they are incidental and almost part of the practice. As well as using the meditation recordings and small daily habits, as part of an almost daily routine, I have used particular meditations to help with difficulties getting to sleep and soothe bad headaches.
I would say overall it has given me more of a sense of proportion over issues in my life, helped me live more in the present. By being mindful I have been able to focus on some of the actual reality of life’s rich pattern rather than with a much more stressful and emotional ‘what might happen view’ – which is much more calming! Olivia's leadership was calm, competent and warm." - L.
"Olivia has a way of relaxing you in a deep meditation in combination with a really well thought out program you can feel a deep peace and presence through the process and practises. I completed a 8 week mindfulness course with and loved it I was able to play with a beginners mind set and not striving to be best, Even 1 week after finishing I have kept up with the practise! yeah! Profound and very meaningful.
Thank you Olivia." - F.